Board and Management



Mr Evans has over 25 years in advising corporates, boards, directors, executive management teams, and providers of debt and equity and other financial sponsors on capital raisings, mergers and acquisition transactions, equity and debt structuring, public offers, takeover defence, strategic options and growth strategies. He specialises in energy and natural resources with a particular focus on the mining sector. He has a Bachelor of Commerce, a Diploma in Applied Finance and is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Mr Evans was previously Principal Director – Mergers and Acquisitions with KPMG Australia.

CHRIS OORSCHOT BSc. (Applied Geology) (Hons 1st Class) MAIG, MAIMM, MSEG


Mr Oorschot is a geologist with +13 years experience predominantly in the Western Australian gold sector. He has a strong background in exploring and developing projects within complex stratigraphic environments and structurally controlled mineralised systems. His development and mining experience includes both open pit and underground deposits across a range of deposit styles. Mr Oorschot also has significant experience in the development of geological models with a focus on assessing and communicating both geological and economic risk.

Mr Oorschot was previously the Exploration Manager for Dacian Gold where his responsibilities included the re-structuring of the company’s Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves, geological due diligence for strategic opportunities and implementation of revised targeting and exploration strategies.

Mr Oorschot was appointed Exploration Manager of Yandal in March 2023 and later joined the board as Technical Director in Septober 2023.   He commenced as Managing Director and CEO on 1 July 2024.


Non Executive Director

Katina Law has over 29 years’ experience in the mining industry covering corporate and site based roles across several continents. She has worked with a number of ASX listed resources companies in strategic financial advisory and general management roles. Ms Law has worked on several development and evaluation projects which were later subject to corporate transactions including the Deflector gold and copper project and the King Vol polymetallic zinc project. Ms Law was Executive Director and CEO of East Africa Resources Limited from 2012 to 2015, and also held senior positions at Newmont Mining Corporation’s Batu Hijau copper gold project in Indonesia and their head office in Denver, USA and at LionOre International based in Perth.

Ms Law has a Bachelor of Commerce degree from UWA, is a Certified Practising Accountant and has an MBA from London Business School. She is currently a non-executive Director of headspace National Youth Mental Health Foundation and was previously a director of DGO Gold Limited (ASX: DGO).



Mr Kennedy is a geologist with a successful +30-year career in the resources industry, including extensive involvement in the exploration, feasibility and development of gold, nickel, platinum group elements, base metals and uranium projects throughout Australia. Mr Kennedy was Exploration Manager IGO for 11 years until 2016. Mr Kennedy has been involved in a number of significant mineral discoveries throughout  his career including being on the exploration steering committee (IGO-AngloGold Ashanti) during the multi-million ounce Tropicana, Havana and Boston Shaker discoveries. At IGO he also led the team that discovered the Rosie magmatic nickel sulphide deposit, the Triumph VMS deposit and the Bibra (Karlawinda) orogenic gold deposit.

Prior to that Mr Kennedy held senior positions with global miner Anglo American, including as Exploration manager – Australia and Principal Geologist/Team Leader – Australia. He also held senior technical positions with Resolute Limited, Hunter Resources and PNC Exploration Pty Ltd. Mr Kennedy has previously served on the boards of a number of ASX- listed exploration and mining companies as non-executive Director and Chairman.

Mr Kennedy joined the Yandal Board in 2021 serving first as non-executive director then non-executive Chair following which he was appointed Managing Director and CEO (April 2022), a role he held until June 2024.



Mr Fitzgerald is a Chartered Accountant with over 30 years of resources related experience obtained through current and past roles as a Non-executive Director, Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary.  He has extensive commercial experience across the exploration, evaluation, development and operational phases of projects based in Australia and Africa. Mr Fitzgerald is currently Company Secretary of several ASX listed companies.


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